the great car race

i drove so pace,
with so much space.
it took so many days;
to win the race.
in the biggest maze!

the stinky old sweater

i saw a stinky old sweater,
which had a letter.
i doped it in the water,
it became wetter.
then the smell became better

the fat cat

a fat cat sat on a mat,
with a hat on his hair.
i took a great care,
to make him slim and nice.

but what ever i do makes him get more lice!

gentle nine

gentle nine and gentle nine the stones are white and the flowers are bright.
gentle nine and gentle nine

composed by:m.sanjana

a goat with a coat

a goat with a coat,
was standing to vote.
on the boat.
then he ate some grass
and went home
to pay his loan
and by a phone

composed by: m.sanjana


      kite kite kite
very  light kite
so so bright
near the flight
only when a mighty wind comes,
it will fly in the sky
kite kite kite 
very light kite

crow poem

there were black crows,
standing in a row
and there was1 crow
whose energy was low
he walked to and fro,
to make his energy flow

composed by: m.sanjana

number 2 poem

i see a number 2
it is very new
it is stick in the paper
because of the glue
and all of this happen very true!

composed by: m.sanjana


6.good, strict

composed by: m.sanjana

the story that never ends

once upon a time there were a flock of duck.they lived in a forest which had a huge lake.there was also a fox in the day,the fox got hungry and planed to eat the duck.when the duck were going to the lake the fox poped out of a bush  and told ''i am going to eat you.''so he went to eat the fattest one.before eating us we will say our prayer to our god. so he begun. in a line they stood the first one told''qack'' the next told''qack''the next told''qack'' and it went on and on and the fox was still waiting till they finish their this story dont end at all      

written by: m.sanjana


watch this its very good

and never say never!